Technical support is available to students who need help with Moodle, Student Email, Self-Service, and the Spartan Alert System (S.A.S.).  Students should contact the JustAskTech Support Help desk at (910) 275-6400 or email at Students may also visit the help desk in the Student Success Center located in the Library of the Boyette Building.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my Moodle username?

Your username is your first initial+middle initial+lastname+last 3 digits of your JSCC ID. (Note, if you have a maiden name, your middle initial may be that initial instead.)
Example, Mary Sue Johnson, 098765, msjohnson765

What is my Moodle password?

Your initial password is your date of birth, mmddyyyy.
Example, June 2, 1980 = 06021980
**Students may also login to Moodle using their O365 email by selecting the “Login via Office 365” option on the login page.

When can I login to my course?

All courses should be open by 8:00 am the first day of the semester.  If you are unable to login to your course by that time, email the JustAskTech Support Help Desk or call (910) 275-6400.

How do I login to Moodle?

In the main navigation menu, under Campus Toolbox, click on Moodle or go to

What are the technical requirements?

Internet access, high-speed connection recommended
Recommend OS – Windows 10 or latest Mac OS
Latest version of Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, Safari)
MS Office 2016
Adobe Reader

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