
The Cosmetology curriculum is designed to provide competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills.

Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/computer principles, product knowledge and other selected topics.

Graduates should qualify to sit for the State Board of Cosmetic Arts examination. Upon successfully passing the State Board exam, graduates will be issued a license. Employment is available in beauty salons and related businesses.


Hours Per Week Hours
FIRST SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
COS 111 Cosmetology Concepts I 4 0 4
COS 112 Salon I 0 24 8
4 24 12
Hours Per Week Hours
SECOND SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
COS 113 Cosmetology Concepts II 4 0 4
COS 114 Salon II 0 24 8
4 24 12
Hours Per Week Hours
THIRD SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
COS 115 Cosmetology Concepts III 4 0 4
COS 116 Salon III 0 12 4
COS 260 Design Applications 1 3 2
5 15 10

Total Semester hours credit: 34