General Education Associate Degree


The Associate in General Education program is designed for the academic enrichment of students who wish to broaden their education, with emphasis on personal interest, growth and development. 

Coursework includes study in the areas of humanities and fine arts, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, and English composition. Opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and the basic use of computers will be provided. 

Through these skills, students will have a sound base for lifelong learning. Graduates are prepared for advancements within their field of interest and become better qualified for a wide range of employment opportunities. 

This is not a college transfer program. Courses must number 110 or above and may or may not transfer to another college. Successful completion of 64-65 semester hour credits leads to an Associate in General Education degree. 

Program Requirements

Associate in Science Degree in General Education:


General Education-15
Universal General Education Transfer Component 


English Composition- 6 semester hours credit required
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 3
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc 3 0 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective- 3 semester hours credit required. Select from the following:
ART 111 Art Appreciation 3 0 3
ART 114 Art History Survey I 3 0 3
ART 115 Art History Survey II 3 0 3
ENG 231 American Literature I 3 0 3
ENG 232 American Literature II 3 0 3
ENG 241 British Literature I 3 0 3
ENG 242 British Literature II 3 0 3
HUM 115 Critical Thinking 3 0 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3 0 3
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz 3 0 3
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues 3 0 3
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics 3 0 3
REL 110 World Religions 3 0 3
Social/Behavioral Science Elective- 3 semester hours credit required. Select from the following:
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics 3 0 3
ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics 3 0 3
HIS 111 World Civilization I 3 0 3
HIS 112 World Civilization II 3 0 3
HIS 131 American History I 3 0 3
HIS 132 American History II 3 0 3
POL 120 American Government 3 0 3
PSY 150 General Psychology 3 0 3
SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology 3 0 3
Natural Sciences/Mathematic Elective- 3 semester hours credit required. Select from the following:
BIO 110 Principles of Biology 3 3 4
BIO 111 General Biology I 3 3 4
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 3 3 4
MAT 110 Math Measurement & Literacy 2 2 3
MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy 2 2 3
MAT 152 Statistical Methods I 3 2 4
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra 3 2 4
ACA Elective: 1 semester hour credit from the following:
ACA 115 Success & Study Skills 0 2 1
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 0 2 1
OTHER REQUIRED HOURS (48 semester hours) Other required hours include additional general education and professional courses. A maximum of 6 semester hours credit in health, and physical education.

TOTAL SEMESTER HOURS CREDIT IN PROGRAM: 64* *The General Education curriculum is designed for the student who desires a general background in the liberal arts but does not intend to transfer to a four-year institution.

Total Semester hours credit: 0