College Catalog
The current College Catalog is available in a digital format. This link also includes a digital version of the College’s archived catalogs beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year. Requests for access to printed versions of the College Catalog prior to 2021-2022 can be made to the Registrar.
Registration dates and deadlines for payment are listed in the Academic Calendar. You must be accepted to be eligible to register. If you have not been a JSCC curriculum student for more than one year, you will need to complete a new online application before you can register for classes. Students must seek special permission from the Vice-President Curriculum/Chief Academic Officer to carry an overload of more than 21 semester hours each semester. Once classes have begun, students may only register for classes that have not met.
Self-Service Student Planning Video
Special Students
Students who are at least 18 years of age, have graduated high school or, obtained a GED, but do not wish to enter a degree or diploma program may enroll at JSCC as a “special credit” student. This is also an option for students needing to take a class to transfer back to another college. Please review the Admissions process to make sure you have completed the requirements for admissions. Students may accumulate twelve (12) credit hours before being required to choose a major. Special Credit students must meet all course prerequisites. If classes are taken at another college, an official transcript is required to award credit. Financial Aid is NOT available for Special Credit students.
Audit Students
Students who wish to audit courses must indicate to the advisor which course(s) they are auditing. Students who audit classes do not receive credit for courses taken, and class discussions, tests, and exams are optional at the discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to attend class regularly, and a notation of the audited class will be made on the student’s permanent record represented by “AU”. Students should be aware that Financial Aid and Veteran benefits do not pay for audit courses. Audit courses do not transfer.
Student Policies
Change Address
If you need to update your mailing address, please send an email from your JSCC student email to Wanda Edwards at The email needs to include your student ID#, the previous address, and what it needs to be changed to. This same process can also be used to update the telephone information.
Dropping Classes
If you need to drop a class, this should be done before the end of Registration Day to avoid any charges for the course. Students that do not drop classes on Registration Day will be responsible for 25% of the cost of the course even if they never attend. Students, who have not attended class at least once by the 10% date, will be dropped by the instructor as “never attended.”
Withdrawal Policy
Students who must withdraw from one or more classes during the semester have the responsibility of notifying each instructor, using their JSCC email, to complete a withdrawal form. Courses in which grades of “W” are received will not be counted as hours attempted and will not affect a student’s grade point average. Students receiving financial aid should verify with that office the impact withdrawing may have on their financial aid funds.
Notification of withdrawal from a course must be received within ten (10) working days of the last date of attendance or as specified by the instructor in the course syllabus or the course instructor will withdraw the student and a grade of “F” may be assigned for that course. Students may officially withdraw through the twelfth week of the semester (or 75% of the allotted time for any shorter session). Beyond the twelfth week (or after the 75% point), students may officially withdraw only when extenuating circumstances occur and such withdrawals must be approved by the appropriate Department Head.
Privacy Policy
As students, you need to understand your rights under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Commencement Ceremony
One commencement ceremony is held each academic year, in May, for our August, December, and May graduates. Please check the Academic Calendar for exact dates and times. Ceremonies are currently held at the Duplin County Events Center (tickets are not required). A graduation application must be on file with the Registrar’s office, and payment processed, to be able to walk at commencement.
Attending students will receive their diplomas at commencement, except for Early College students. If you are graduating from a two-year program, the borrowed hood will need to be turned in to receive the diploma.
Deadlines and Intent to Graduate
Graduation applications will need to be completed and a $50 graduation fee paid no later than February 15th. If you do not complete your program, a refund will be applied to your account or funds moved over to the next graduation cycle.
Replacement Diploma Requests
To receive another diploma because the original has been misplaced or destroyed (or some other occurrence), complete the Replacement Diploma request and pay the fees. The new diploma will be sent to you within a month of completing the process.