SGA Meeting

Strickland Lobby

JSCC Graduation

Duplin County Events Center

Continuing Education Live Stream Link: James Sprunt Community College Workforce Development/Continuing Education Recognition Ceremony - 5/9/24 Nursing Pinning Live Stream Link: JSCC Pinning Ceremony 5-9-24 62nd Annual Commencement Exercises Live Stream Link: James Sprunt Community College 62nd Annual Commencement Exercises - 5/9/24

The Mexican Consulate will be present at James Sprunt College! APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED.

(This message will be repeated in English) ¡El Consulado de México estará presente en el Colegio de James Sprunt! ES NECESARIO HACER CITA. Ofrecerán servicios de: Pasaporte, matrícula consular, copia certificada de acta de nacimiento y trámite de credencial para votar. Todos los interesados pueden agendar una cita de las siguientes maneras: - Llamando al...

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