Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is designed to promote the general welfare of the College democratically and to facilitate communication between the student body, the faculty, staff, and the administration. The student body elects a president, vice president, and secretary in the spring semester.  These elected officers lead the SGA for the following academic year.  All JSCC curriculum, basic skills, barber school, and allied health students are members of the SGA.  Meetings occur on the first Monday of every month and activities occur throughout the year.  JSCC students are encouraged to be active in their SGA.  For more information, contact Tonda Clowney at (910) 275-6361.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society of America’s two-year colleges. To be eligible for this honor, a student must have completed at least 12 hours of coursework, have a GPA of at least 3.5, have established a record of academic excellence, be of good moral character, and possess qualities of good citizenship. Induction ceremonies take place in the fall and spring semesters.  Members are active at the regional level by attending conferences.  Community service projects are conducted throughout the academic year. For more information, contact Anne Kennedy at (910) 275-6255.

Spartan Men of Distinction

Spartan Men of Distinction is about “making a difference in society academically, professionally, and socially”. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for JSCC male students. By preparing students for responsible citizenship and success, we will help transform our educational environment and strengthen the academic, professional, social, and economic development in our communities. Our purpose is to increase student satisfaction, academic success, retention, graduation, and 4-year college transfer rates. By doing so, the program will facilitate academic achievement, personal, professional, and leadership development. This will be accomplished by ensuring that each participant establishes a close relationship with a JSCC faculty or staff member who will monitor each student’s academic and professional success. For more information, contact Michael Hall at or (910) 275-6265.

Women of Tomorrow

The mission of James Sprunt Community College Women of Tomorrow is to improve the quality of life for female students. By preparing students for responsible citizenship and success, we will transform our educational environment and strengthen the academic, professional, social, and economic development in our communities. The purpose of the James Sprunt Community College Women of Tomorrow is to increase student satisfaction, academic success, retention, graduation, and college transfer rates. By doing so, the program facilitates academic/personal, professional, and leadership development.  For more information, contact Mary Ann Simmons at (910) 275-6320 or Ashley Graham at (910) 275-6152.

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