Foundation Scholarships

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James Sprunt Community College Scholarships (Restricted and Endowed) 

2025-2026 Scholarship Application

The priority deadline for the 2025-2026 scholarship application is Friday, May 2nd, 2025. If you have questions or need assistance regarding financial assistance, please contact the Foundation Office at (910) 275-6135 or (910) 275-6152.

A limited number of academic scholarships are awarded each year to students currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a curriculum program at James Sprunt Community College. Awards range from $250 to $1,200. These awards are made based on scholarship criteria set forth by the donors.  The criteria include, but are not limited to: academic record, community involvement, and program of study. Recipients are selected each July for the following academic year. Students interested in applying for scholarships should submit an application online. All items below must be submitted to the James Sprunt Foundation by the deadline of May 2nd to be considered complete and eligible for consideration:
1. A completed application form for James Sprunt Community College Foundation Scholarships.
2.  An official high school and/or college transcript.
3. All applicants must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible to apply.

Listing of Academic and Merit-Based Scholarships

The Herring Scholarship

The Herring Scholarship is a need-based scholarship that is awarded each year to students currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a curriculum program at JSCC, that reside in either Duplin County or the town of Mount Olive. The awards are made by the Herring Scholarship Committee and members of the Herring Trustee Board, which reviews applications.  The recipients are chosen based on financial need, letters of recommendation, and personal essays. Recipients are selected each July for the following year.  Students interested in applying should submit the following items:

1. A completed application for the Herring Scholarship. (The link to apply online will be available in January.)
2. Two letters of recommendation from school, business, and/or leaders in the community attesting to your character and leadership potential.
3. A 300-500 word essay (double spaced) on the people and experiences that have shaped or influenced your values and your educational and/or life goals.
4. Completed the free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
5. Must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible to apply.

The Presidential Scholarship

The Presidential Scholarship pays all tuition and fees not covered by financial aid or other scholarships for 2 consecutive academic years immediately following high school graduation for qualifying students.
• Year 1: Fall, Spring, Summer
• Year 2: Fall, Spring, Summer (The Presidential Scholarship ends at the end of the Summer Semester of Year 2.)

Requirements to be eligible:

  • Graduate from a Duplin County high school with at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA
  • Complete three or more JSCC Career & College Promise classes with a ‘C’ or better during high school
  • Complete a JSCC application for enrollment for the fall semester immediately following high school graduation
  • Submit FAFSA and all other necessary documents
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen who qualifies for in-state tuition

Maintaining eligibility:

  • Remain in good academic standing at JSCC (2.0 or higher cumulative GPA)
  • Maintain a completion rate of 67% or higher while a student at JSCC
  • Submit FAFSA and all other necessary documents each year
  • Complete at least 10 hours of documented volunteer service each Fall & Spring Semester
  • If taking summer classes, complete at least 5 hours of documented volunteer service during the Summer Semester

Veralyn Jennex Memorial Scholarship

Veralyn Jennex Memorial Scholarship Application

  • The Veralyn Jennex Memorial Scholarship is a scholarship for graduating JSCC students, who are moving into a four-year program to pursue a degree focusing on mental health careers, education, or nursing.
  • Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be in financial need. Preference will be given to students who have completed volunteer service in the community. Students are required to submit 2 reference letters to the Foundation Office, McGowen 130.
  • The references must be non-family members. The scholarship award is $500.
  • All applications and reference letters are due by Friday, April 11th, 2025.

JSCC Ambassador Program

The Ambassadors Program is an opportunity to learn leadership skills, connect with community members and leaders, participate actively in college activities, and serve others while representing JSCC. Four students are chosen at the beginning of the Fall semester to serve for Fall and Spring semesters.

JSCC Scholarship Application for Agriculture Students

This application is for Agriculture Students Only. The award may be up to $2,000 per academic year.

Click here to apply for the JSCC Scholarship Application for Agriculture Students

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