Early Childhood – Transfer/Licensure Track Associate Degree


The Early Childhood Education curriculum prepares individuals to work with children from birth through eighth grade in diverse learning environments. Students will combine learned theories with practice in actual settings with young children under the supervision of qualified teachers.

Course work includes child growth and development; physical/nutritional needs of children; care and guidance of children; and communication skills with families and children. Students will foster the cognitive/language, physical/ motor, social/emotional, and creative development of young children.

Graduates are prepared to plan and implement developmentally appropriate programs in early childhood settings. Employment opportunities include child development and child care programs, preschools, public and private schools, recreational centers, Head Start Programs, and school age programs. Early Childhood Education is a program that prepares individuals to promote child development and learning, work with diverse families and children, observe, document and assess to support young children and families, use content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum, and use developmentally effective approaches in collaboration with other early childhood professionals. Potential course work includes instruction in all areas of child development such as emotional/social/health/physical/ language/communication, approaches to play and learning, working with diverse families, and related observations/student teaching experiences. Students will select a track that best meets their goals.

Crayons on Campus

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• SOC 210 Intro to Sociology may be taken in lieu of PSY 150 General Psychology

Hours Per Week Hours
FIRST SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 0 2 1
EDU 119 Intro to Early Child Education 4 0 4
EDU 131 Child, Family, & Community 3 0 3
EDU 144 Child Development I 3 0 3
EDU 146 Child Guidance 3 0 3
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 3
16 2 17
Hours Per Week Hours
SECOND SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
BIO 110 Principles of Biology 3 3 4
EDU 145 Child Development II 3 0 3
EDU 280 Language/Literacy Experiences 3 0 3
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc 3 0 3
MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy 2 2 3
PSY 150 General Psychology 3 0 3
17 5 19
Hours Per Week Hours
THIRD SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 3 3 4
COM 231 Public Speaking 3 0 3
EDU 216 Foundations of Education 3 0 3
EDU 221 Children with Exceptionalities 3 0 3
EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers, and Twos 3 0 3
Social/Behavioral Science Elective** 3 0 3
18 3 19
Hours Per Week Hours
FOURTH SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
EDU 151 Creative Activities 3 0 3
EDU 153 Health, Safety, & Nutrition 3 0 3
EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Preparation 3 0 3
EDU 284 Early Child Capstone Prac 1 9 4
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective* 3 0 3
13 9 16
**The Social/Behavioral Science elective must be chosen from the following:
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics 3 0 3
ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics 3 0 3
HIS 111 World Civilization I 3 0 3
HIS 112 World Civilization II 3 0 3
HIS 131 American History I 3 0 3
HIS 132 American History II 3 0 3
POL 120 American Government 3 0 3
SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology 3 0 3
*The Humanities/Fine Arts elective must be chosen from the following:
ART 111 Art Appreciation 3 0 3
ART 114 Art History Survey I 3 0 3
ART 115 Art History Survey II 3 0 3
ART 116 Survey of American Art 3 0 3
HUM 121 The Nature of America 3 0 3
HUM 122 Southern Culture 3 0 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3 0 3
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz 3 0 3
MUS 210 History of Rock Music 3 0 3
REL 110 World Religions 3 0 3
REL 211 Intro to Old Testament 3 0 3
REL 212 Intro to New Testament 3 0 3

Total Semester hours credit: 71