Campus Safety

Known and suspected violations of federal and North Carolina laws and other emergencies should be reported to the College’s Associate Vice President of Student Services, the Vice President of Curriculum/Chief Academic Officer, and the Director of Human Resources. James Sprunt Community College is supported in this endeavor by various local and state agencies, particularly the Duplin County Sheriff’s Office and Kenansville Police Department, having jurisdiction.

Crime awareness is addressed through faculty/staff workshops and each semester at the New Student Orientation. Faculty, staff, and students must recognize that they must take steps to protect themselves from becoming the victim of crime. Working together as a campus is essential for crime prevention.

Safety Information

Campus Safety Update 2023 (PDF)

Inclement Weather

The following is an excerpt from the “Policy on Closure of the College Due to Adverse Weather and Other Conditions”:

General Policy

When inclement weather prevails (ice, snow, or natural disaster) or other hazardous conditions exist, the President or his designee will determine whether the college will be closed and/or what activities of the college will be canceled or postponed. The President’s designee is the Chief of Staff. Announcements about the closing and reopening of the college, cancellations or postponements of classes and other activities, and whether college personnel and students should report to work or class will be made over radio and television stations, Alert Aware System, and social media outlets.  The Director of Marketing and Publications will make contact with the radio and television stations and update the website.  The Director of Public Safety and Security will maintain the Alert Aware System.  Activities of the college will proceed as scheduled unless specifically announced otherwise.  The college will reschedule classes canceled because of inclement weather as necessary.  Additional information is available in the college catalog.

Fire Evacuation Route

Evacuation Routes by Building

Emergency Assistance

8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.  Please contact the Director of Public Safety, Randy Forster, at (910) 290-0135.

Evening/ Weekend:
After 5:00 P.M. or on weekends, please call (910) 375-2150.

Safety Concerns:
Randy Forster, (910) 290-0135
Director of Public Safety