Swine Management Technology Associate Degree


This curriculum is designed to prepare students for careers in the production, processing, and distribution of livestock, swine, and poultry and their products according to scientific principles essential to efficient and profitable operation.

Students should learn skills necessary for the operation of efficient and profitable livestock, swine, and poultry enterprises. Coursework includes production practices, animal health, nutrition, reproduction, and management.

Graduates should qualify for entry-level jobs as herd or flock managers, field service persons, feed salespersons, equipment salespersons, feed mill workers, buyers of poultry and livestock, owners/operators, farm managers, department supervisors, field service representatives, and waste management technicians.

This program focuses on the application of biological and chemical principles to the production and management of swine animals and the production and handling of meat and other products. Potential course work includes instruction in animal sciences, range science, nutrition sciences, food science and technology, biochemistry, and related aspects of human and animal health and safety.


• ACA 122 College Transfer Success may be taken in lieu of ACA 115 Success &Study Skills 

• CIS 110 Introduction to Computers may be taken in lieu of CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy 

• COM 231 Public Speaking may be taken in lieu of ENG 115 Oral Communications 

• SPA 120 Spanish for the Workplace may be taken in lieu of SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I 

• MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy may be taken in lieu of MAT 110 Math Measurement & Lit.

• BUS 137 Principles of Management may be taken in lieu of BUS 153 Human Resource Management 

Hours Per Week Hours
FIRST SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
ACA 115 Success & Study Skills 0 2 1
ANS 110 Animal Science 3 0 3
ANS 120 Beef Production 2 2 3
ANS 140 Swine Production 2 2 3
CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy 1 2 2
ENG 115 Oral Communication 3 0 3
11 8 15
Hours Per Week Hours
SECOND SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
ANS 130 Poultry Production 2 2 3
ANS 142 Swine Records & Analysis 2 2 3
ANS 143 Swine Health Management 2 2 3
ANS 144 Swine Housing & Waste Mgt 4 0 4
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 3
13 6 16
Hours Per Week Hours
THIRD SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
WBL 113 Work-Based Learning I 0 30 3
0 30 3
Hours Per Week Hours
FOURTH SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
AGR 150 Ag-O-Metrics 3 0 3
ANS 115 Animal Feeds & Nutrition 2 2 3
ANS 240 Swine Prod Issues 2 0 2
SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I 3 0 3
WLD 112 Basic Welding Processes 1 3 2
11 5 13
Hours Per Week Hours
FIFTH SEMESTER Course Title Class Lab Credit
AGR 212 Farm Business Management 3 0 3
ANS 150 Animal Health Management 3 0 3
BUS 153 Human Resource Management 3 0 3
MAT 110 Math Measurement & Literacy 2 2 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective* 3 0 3
*Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 0 3
17 2 18
*The Humanities/Fine Arts elective must be chosen from the following:
ART 111 Art Appreciation 3 0 3
ART 114 Art History Survey I 3 0 3
ART 115 Art History Survey II 3 0 3
HUM 110 Technology and Society 3 0 3
HUM 115 Critical Thinking 3 0 3
HUM 122 Southern Culture 3 0 3
HUM 230 Leadership Development 3 0 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3 0 3
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz 3 0 3
PHI 230 Introduction to Logic 3 0 3
REL 110 World Religions 3 0 3
REL 211 Intro to Old Testament 3 0 3
REL 212 Intro to New Testament 3 0 3
**The Social/Behavioral Science elective must be chosen from the following:
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics 3 0 3
ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics 3 0 3
HIS 121 Western Civilization I 3 0 3
HIS 122 Western Civilization II 3 0 3
HIS 131 American History I 3 0 3
HIS 132 American History II 3 0 3
PSY 150 General Psychology 3 0 3
SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology 3 0 3

Total Semester hours credit: 65